Tatarmultfilm Association is an animation filmmaker in Russia producing films in the Russian, Tatar and English languages. Founded in 2009, it has over the years evolved into one of the biggest – if not the only one – national studios promoting the cultural heritage of the Volga Region nationalities. Committed to education through entertainment, we strive to preserve Russia’s ethnic uniqueness and diversity! Our facilities include an animation studio, a school of animation, a sound studio, an internet studio and a publishing company. Producing about 180 minutes of animation each year, our 64-strong staff and outsourced specialists have made some 200 films based on literary and folk fairy tales, as well as original scripts, that have won the love of the audience and professional recognition. In 2014, the association was given a prize by International Organization of Turkic Culture. In 2017, we were awarded the diploma “For Promoting National Animation” at Russia’s main professional animation film show, Open Russian Festival of Animated Film in Suzdal. The same year, our full-length feature “The Heritage Arrow” was voted the best film at the Kazan International Muslim Film Festival in the “National Cinema” nomination.